We aspire you to bring values to your company

with our consulting service

Our Experience

Years in business

Business experts across our office

Corporate client served

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Customers would recommend us to others

About Trimitra

PT Trimitra Bisnis Solusi was founded in 2021 in the midst of the pandemic that was currently hitting the world. We were one of the companies that survived these tough times and succeeded in providing solutions to companies related to optimizing the use of foreign workers.
We are committed to continuing to prioritize professionalism and timeliness in the work we do. We are also supported by a very reliable and professional workforce in the field of licensing foreign workers and licensing other companies.
On behalf TRIMITRA, we look forward to serving you and your company’s needs and supporting our candidates to persue their careers.

Why Trimitra?

We will assist your company in arranging the permits required to use foreign workers and other company permits. Licensing must be in the right and professional hands, we are the right choice in that matter.

Our Services

With extensive experience over the years, we can provide one-stop solutions that best suits to your company specific needs


Help you who want to set up a new business entity.

Business License

Help you who need business license management.


Help you who need to process the Visa for yourself or employee.

Our Client

Trusted by leading names in various industries and organizations

What Clients Say About Us?

Trimitra Bisnis Solusi sangat membantu perusahaan kami dalam mengurus perizinan tenaga kerja asing. Prosesnya cepat dan efisien, timnya pun sangat profesional. Terima kasih Trimitra!

Testimonial Item

Bagas Adi Nugroho

HR Manager, PT. Maju Bersama

Kami puas dengan layanan Trimitra Bisnis Solusi. Izin tenaga kerja asing perusahaan kami selesai tepat waktu, sesuai dengan yang dijanjikan. Sangat membantu kelancaran operasional perusahaan.

Testimonial Item

Ratna Sari

Direktur Operasional, PT. Indotech

Tim Trimitra Bisnis Solusi sangat ahli dalam menangani masalah perizinan tenaga kerja asing. Mereka sigap dan komunikatif, sehingga prosesnya menjadi mudah dimengerti. Terimakasih atas bantuannya!

Testimonial Item

Dedi Setiawan

Kepala Bagian Legal, PT. Mitra Global

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